lunanity love life cult by steve howard
Lunanity Love Life Cult

Steve Howard

Lunanity Love Life Cult

Love Letter for Luna

Table of Content for Book 12

Short summary Book 12

We continue at a slightly reduced rate on our Lilly and Esau, Anna Lucia, Tim and several other characters story so we can be indecisive and have some open ranting and philosophic and astrophysics and maybe we mention adoration but not so much. It is not a normal love letter. We do not live in normal times. Life on a planet for 3.5 billion years is far from normal. Astronomically freaky is being aware that we have the opportunity to be the gods and that is the same as being the gods. And that means we must do what we want. Not what we have been told.

Longer Summary Book 12

“My name shall be Esau.”

So our killer, not wanting to kill Lilly, has an awakening in the cold river. In the morning he hikes back to his car with intention to go visit the Mormons. Not to join. Not his style. Prefers his instinct. He wants to hear the choir. And Jill is on the highway.

Day 181 we learn a little about what Lilly does on a normal day. With a strap on. But now she has a new job. She has signed her name to make the investment company hers. To run as she sees fit. And she has some ideas. Bright ideas.

Next day we travel with Esau and visit with Lilly. She got some thinking and wondering to do now that she is in control of big money.

Day 183 Esau and the Reaper have finally made contact and Esau is on the plane to Miami.

Day 184 Tim explains to Esau, called Jim, about George who is at this time called Bruce. Names are not so relevant. What matters is the story. And they all have a look at the three stars at night. Like our ancestors. A few details would need to change if the Lilly Story was to be a novel. But not likely. Maybe we write one with those characters. Also not likely. Anyhow. Lilly walks into the office of Esau, Tim Reaper Security or something. Names are always changing. Not Esau, Lilly. Tim. We keep them. Anyhow. Lilly wants to hire Esau as a bounty hunter.

186 has Detective Jim visiting Charlotte, what at this point is the secretary at Lilly Waterhouse. Not the third wife that might have the same name. We would change that if it was edited into a book. But it won’t be. I like it how it is. An in development raw version. We have changed Jill to Anna Lucia in this entry. She got a little darker in the process. Likely Catholic family. No worries. It does not play a roll but for how hot she looks in a white bathing suit. Make a grown man cry. In case we didn’t mention it. The starting place is the villa in Spain. And Anna Lucia has been put on the team with Detective Jim aka Esau. He gave a slight objection. But only for protocol.

Day 188 and Anna Lucia and Jimmie, Esau, as he will be called, they, the two of them were in Spain. In the villa. Dusty enough to indicate that the fugitives had not been there. But that was expected. Jimmie wanted to find a hint. And he is a smart fellow. And Anna Lucia has told him she can imagine that if they are a long time chasing Bruce who is really George, but we get to that. She figures they will sleep together. Don’t you think.

189. Anna Lucia wakes up with the need to tease Esau. And Detective Jim has found a chip from a casino. So Joseph will find out where it is from. And tomorrow they will go. And if we have avoided sex till now, it is all over with that plan. I suppose Lilly and Anna Lucia have had sex and Jack is always with a hired sex companion.

190 we touch on an important topic. The idea that religion has a purpose other than making the uneducated obey the law. And that is to protect the language. And if a society has much technology, but find a way to protect that too. That was the story with all the patents printed and stored in a doorless library. And Anna Lucia puts her vagina, or let us say, vulva this one time. Clit. Into Jimmie’s face. Eat this and know me. A bonding thing.

191 has Anna Lucia and Detective Jimmie visiting each town along the southern coast of Spain. They are working. And as well, enjoying one another’s company. And we have a prophecy about tails. Or is it a parable. Or both. Point is, they will be soon in fashion.

Next day is just a bit of wondering about if one thing or maybe some other thing.

Day 193 is a free form rant. A bit of a summing up for book 12 and some serious philosophy somewhat hidden in a storm of near absurdities. Recommended reading before a sermon. Be much to talk about.

Next day goes down with no writing. A day of reading. And day 195 is the closing entry to the book. We are reminded what we are and what we have to do to be proper god like creatures. It is biblical so any believers that suspect foul play, learn to read. It is the best thing for your brain. The brain is a master work of evolution. The receiver to the consciousness of the cosmos. Spoiler alert. And Esau watches Anna Lucia in a white bathing suit. Bikini. They will get dressed to go into town.

So that is it for the first third of the love letter. It is well worth the ride if the reader is interested in understanding. Yes, though I remain your humble narrator, it needs be noted that this is most clever philosophy. It outshines all the prophets that have gone before. That is easy for they have shared what they speculated and finding great book has been easy the last 50 years. So after reading this letter. Read some more. Be a word whore.

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